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Hamburger Day

Did you know that May 28th is National Hamburger Day? Americans eat approximately 50 billion hamburgers every year. That is a lot of hamburgers! The protein food group is important for your health. Hamburgers are part of that food group. Eggs, nuts, seeds, and peas fit in the protein food group as well.

For most teens and adults, the recommended amount of protein foods is around 5 to 6 ounces a day. Protein foods include:

      • 1 egg = 1 oz
      • 1 tbsp of peanut butter = 1 oz
      • ¼ cup of cooked beans = 1 oz
      • 1 piece of meat the size of the palm of your hand = 3 oz

Leaner beef is always the healthiest option for your heart. Americans love hamburgers, although they can be loaded with saturated fats which aren’t very good for our hearts. A Mcdonald’s quarter-pounder with cheese has around 8 teaspoons of fat, whereas a bean burger only has 1 teaspoon. Opting for the meatless alternative saves us 7 teaspoons of fat!

Watch the video to find a recipe for you to make a delicious bean burger at home!

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