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Let’s Get Active

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Let’s Get Active! Download PDF Exercise doesn’t have to be boring! Walking is a heart-healthy low-impact form of cardio that leaves your mind feeling relaxed and your body feeling healthy. Consider walking with a friend or family member for some added fun! Follow these tips on ways to hold yourself accountable to walk those extra […]

Physical Activity

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Physical Activity (Grades 5-8) https://youtu.be/j6o74QaPmiM Today we’re going to talk about physical activity with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda! By the end of this video, you will be able to identify the short-term benefits of being active, tell the difference between moderate-to-vigorous, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening types of activity, and identify four body cues that take place […]

Energy Balance: K-2

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Energy Balance: K-2 https://youtu.be/SySBcAcSYAA Follow along with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda, as she teaches you about “Energy Balance!” By the end of this lesson you should be able to explain how “energy balance” relates to the food you eat and the activities you do! Learn how to move more and eat healthy with our helpful […]

Energy Balance: Grades 5-8


Energy Balance: Grades 5-8 https://youtu.be/0-w-z6EANjk Follow along with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda, as she teaches you about “Energy Balance!” By the end of this lesson you should be able to understand the relationship of “calories burned/calories consumed” to energy balance and understand that WHOA foods contribute to additional calories that must be burned for the […]

Energy Balance: Grades 3-5


Energy Balance, Grades 3-5 https://youtu.be/uTMvhI9NKyU Follow along with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda, as she teaches you about “Energy Balance!” By the end of this lesson you should be able to explain how “energy balance” relates to the food you eat and the activities you do! Follow along with Wanda and practice doing the right number […]

Yoga for Kids

Yoga for Kids Download Tip Sheet Healthy Living: Yoga for Kids Introduction Yoga for children is increasing in popularity. Many different types of yoga exist, but all types of yoga combine breathing, controlled postures and mental focus to improve fitness and decrease stress. Specific yoga exercises are referred to as poses. Poses are commonly grouped […]

Eat Smart, Live Strong


Eat Smart, Live Strong https://youtu.be/BNRpoH9BayM Follow along with SNAP-Ed NY Nutrition Educators as they show you how to reach your goals. Try to eat at least 3 ½ cups of fruits and vegetables each day and fit in at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. What is a goal you […]

Get Moving


Get Moving https://youtu.be/iPGeNqjKLs0 Benefits of being active We come in all different shapes and sizes, but we all have one thing in common: we can all benefit from moving our bodies. Once you get moving, you’ll feel better, sleep better, have more energy, and overall be a better you! The more you move your body, […]

Exercise for Older Adults


Exercise for Older Adults https://youtu.be/uQ6mY2RkM5c Moving more can improve your strength and balance. It can also help prevent and fight chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Aim for 30 minutes of movement 5 days a week. Check out this video for some exercises you can do sitting or standing to get started today. Read More […]