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Smart Meal Planning Tips


Smart Meal Planning Tips Download PDF Healthy eating is important at every age. Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy or fortified soy alternatives. When planning meals, choose options that are full of nutrients and limited in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium. Start with these tips! Read More See what […]

Pantry Organization Tips


Pantry Organization Tips Download PDF Whether you have a pantry or cabinets, staying organized can help you utilize your space, make it easier to use what you have, and even help make healthier choices! Here are some tips to help you keep your food storage under control! Read More Follow the FIFO rule. That’s “first […]

The Stocked Pantry

Stocked Pantry

The Stocked Pantry Download PDF This list shows commonly used pantry items for making healthy recipes. If you want to stock your pantry for healthy cooking, this is a good place to start! Just click to download it to your computer or phone. Learn how to save time with our helpful videos! Play Play Play […]

Grocery Game Plan

Grocery Game Plan Download PDF One easy way to save time and eat healthy is to create a grocery plan for your week. Here’s an easy form to help you do that! It is even interactive and you can fill it out digitally on your desktop computer. Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful […]

Food Mixes in a Jar

Food Mixes in a Jar Download PDF When the holiday season rolls around, many family budgets become strained. With a long list of family and friends, finding enough money to go around may be challenging. To help reduce the stress of your next holiday season, try making gifts instead of purchasing them. Learn how to […]

Spinach: Tips and Tricks


Spinach: Tips and Tricks https://youtu.be/peQwwRPWnjs Follow along with SNAP-Ed NY Nutritionist, Caitlin, as she demonstrates how to save time, save money and eat healthy with these spinach tips and tricks! Read More Today we’ll be saving time, saving money and eating healthy with spinach. This tender, leafy green is a staple because it can be […]

Peas: Tips and Tricks


Peas: Tips and Tricks Video https://youtu.be/ncSUIfr4CZM Follow along with SNAP-Ed NY Nutritionist, Whitney, as she demonstrates how to save time, save money and eat healthy with these peas tips and tricks! There are dozens of peas to choose from, and they come in many forms—fresh, frozen, canned, whole or even cut up. With all of […]

Prepping for Potlucks

Prepping for Potlucks Tip Sheet Download PDF Parties and potlucks provide a fun way to spend time with friends, family, and colleagues. They offer different food groups, including fruits and veggies, and you may discover foods you have never eaten. Set yourself up to make healthy choices with these tips. Learn how to save time […]

Make Healthy Holiday Choices

Make Healthy Holiday Choices Download PDF Holidays are filled with many exciting things—favorite foods, spending time with loved ones, and all the excitement that goes into a celebration! Make sure to enjoy all the food groups for your holiday plate to both satisfy your tastebuds and your hunger. In baking, there are many recipes with […]

Half Grains to Whole Grains

Half Grains to Whole Grains Download PDF Grains are an important part of a healthy diet, and most people do eat a lot of grains. However, we tend to eat more refined grains than whole grains.  It’s important to make half of your grains whole grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel–the bran, germ, […]

Corn 5 Ways

Corn 5 Ways Download PDF What simple recipes can you make with food you already have on hand? There are many dishes you can make with canned or frozen corn including chili, taquitos, salad, and more. Check out this fun infographic for more ideas! Source: https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2018/03/22/vary-your-veggies-without-high-cost-corn-five-different-ways Learn how to save time with our helpful videos! […]

Planning Meals for a Family

Meals for a Family Download PDF Eating at restaurants and fast-food places can be exciting. It can also be expensive and usually take more time than just cooking at home. Meal planning for a family can seem overwhelming. If you plan ahead, it will save time and effort in the long run. Eating at home […]

Canned Peaches 5 Ways

Canned Peaches 5 Ways Download PDF Wish you could make simple recipes with food you already have on hand? Well, you can! Take canned peaches, for example. Half of a large peach is equivalent to a ½ cup of fruit. How creative can you get with it?  Canned peaches are great for breakfast, dessert, drinks, […]

Microwave Safety for Families

Microwave Oven Safety Tip Sheet Download PDF When was the last time you heated up leftovers in the microwave? Probably pretty recently.  Most people use microwaves every day for heating up food. Microwaves are easy to use, but they pose certain health risks if food is not cooked properly. You should always use a microwave-safe […]

Meal Planning Made Easy

Meal Planning Made Easy Download PDF Map out your Meals Outline meals you plan to eat for the week and use it as a guide. Be sure to list beverages and snacks too! Find Balance If you have veggies, dairy, and protein at one meal, include fruit and grains in the next to cover all […]