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Hamburger Day


Hamburger Day https://youtu.be/xWfH3shMIlc Did you know that May 28th is National Hamburger Day? Americans eat approximately 50 billion hamburgers every year. That is a lot of hamburgers! The protein food group is important for your health. Hamburgers are part of that food group. Eggs, nuts, seeds, and peas fit in the protein food group as […]

We Are What We Eat


We Are What We Eat: Serving Up MyPlate https://youtu.be/gF4UrCqK1nw It’s important to eat a variety of foods to stay healthy. You need to eat from all five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy! MyPlate is a visual reminder to eat foods from all five food groups–that way you can make sure you are […]

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