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Heavenly Deviled Eggs

(Huevos Celestiales Rellenos)

Versatile and easy to prepare, these deviled eggs are great as an appetizer, side dish, or snack.
Deviled Eggs

Recipe Source: ChooseMyPlate


  • 6 eggs (in shell)
  • 2 tablespoons light mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon mustard

Optional Garnishes:

  • paprika or cayenne
  • pepper (if you like it hot)
  • pickle
  • relish
  • sliced scallions
  • sliced green or black olives


  1. Put eggs into a saucepan. Cover with cold water.
  2. Bring eggs to a simmer (small bubbles) and cook for 12 minutes.
  3. Remove from the heat and drain.
  4. Crack eggs under cold water and allow to cool. Remove shells.
  5. Split eggs in half, lengthwise and remove yolks.
  6. Put yolks, dressing and mustard into a small zipper-lock plastic bag to mix.
    Cut a small hole in a lower corner of the bag. Squeeze mixture into egg white halves. Garnish as desired.
Serving Size: 2 prepared egg halves
Total Fat6 g
Saturated Fat2 g
Cholesterol212 mg
Sodium174 mg
Total Carbohydrate1 g
Dietary Fiber0 g
Total Sugars1 g
Added Sugars included0 g
Protein6 g

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