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MyPlate Protein

My Plate protein (750 × 450 px)

MyPlate Protein https://youtu.be/WsXjW7Ndqn8 Life’s tight, eat right! Start simple with MyPlate and remember to vary your protein routine. Varying your source of protein several times a week helps ensure your body is getting the range of important nutrients it needs to function well. Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful videos! Play Play Play […]

MyPlate Healthy Eating Style

Healthy Eating style

MyPlate Healthy Eating Style https://youtu.be/I4c2Q26Ihsw Life’s tight, eat right! MyPlate is a nutrition guide developed by the USDA to help you find your healthy eating style and maintain it for a lifetime. A healthy eating routine is important at every stage of life. Read More Here are some tips: Eat a rainbow of colors by […]

MyPlate Grains

MyPlate grains 750-450

MyPlate Grains https://youtu.be/UVWz7MxnWJk Life’s tight, eat right! Start simple with my plate and remember to make half your grains whole grains for healthy benefits. Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful videos! Play Play Play Play Previous Next Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful tip sheets!

MyPlate Fruits and Vegetables

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MyPlate Fruits and Vegetables https://youtu.be/o2xeaSqRY00 Life’s tight, eat right! Start simple with MyPlate. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables provides the body with the important nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful videos! Play Play Play Play Previous Next Learn how to eat healthy with our […]

MyPlate Fruits

MyPlate Fruits_SNAP-750x450

MyPlate Fruits https://youtu.be/fixWHLLlxnY Life’s tight. Eat right and start simple with Myplate. Did you know that whole fruits are a healthier choice than fruit juice? At least half of the recommended amount of fruit should come from whole fruit rather than 100 percent fruit juice. Whole fruits have more fiber than their 100% juice equivalent. […]

MyPlate Dairy

Start SImple (750 × 450 px)

MyPlate Dairy https://youtu.be/XPaTIETsyQQ Life’s tight, eat right! Start simple with MyPlate and remember to move to fat-free or low-fat dairy. Foods in the dairy group provide important nutrients that are vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful videos! Play Play Play Play Previous Next Learn how to eat […]

Making Healthy Choices

Making Healthy choices_2

Making Healthy Choices https://youtu.be/3yuJaQ0e9j4 Follow along with SNAP-Ed NY to learn how you can make healthy choices using the nutrition facts label. Read More Making healthy choices using the nutrition facts label. Choosing a packaged food or beverage that’s right for you is easier when you check out the nutrition facts label. It’s designed to […]

Energy Balance: K-2

Energy Balance K2 SNAP-750x450

Energy Balance: K-2 https://youtu.be/SySBcAcSYAA Follow along with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda, as she teaches you about “Energy Balance!” By the end of this lesson you should be able to explain how “energy balance” relates to the food you eat and the activities you do! Learn how to move more and eat healthy with our helpful […]

Energy Balance: Grades 5-8


Energy Balance: Grades 5-8 https://youtu.be/0-w-z6EANjk Follow along with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda, as she teaches you about “Energy Balance!” By the end of this lesson you should be able to understand the relationship of “calories burned/calories consumed” to energy balance and understand that WHOA foods contribute to additional calories that must be burned for the […]

The Amazing Substance Called Fiber


The Amazing Substance Called Fiber https://youtu.be/FW8BXhbN3ls Follow along with SNAP-Ed NY Nutritionist, Wanda, as as she shows you how to identify snack foods high in fiber. Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful videos! Play Play Play Play Previous Next Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful tip sheets!

Snacking Fruits: K-2


Snack Fruits: K-2 https://youtu.be/hgnDin_y_x4 In this lesson SNAP-Ed Nutritionist, Wanda, will show you how to identify fruits of a variety of colors, identify the health benefits of fruits, and recognize that fruits are a healthy snack. Follow along with the fruit train game! Learn how to eat healthy with our helpful videos! Play Play Play […]

Low Salt Snacking: Grades 5-8


Low Salt Snacking: Grades 5-8 https://youtu.be/9RsqeLUY3k8 Learn all about low-salt snacking with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda! By the end of this video you will be able to identify low-sodium and high-sodium foods. Read More How much is too much salt and why limit salty snacks? Let’s talk science. Salt is made up of two elements […]

CATCH Kids Club


CATCH Kids Club https://youtu.be/jc1vil1fwxI Welcome to the club! In this video SNAP-Ed Nutritionists, Ms. Bee and Ms. Erica, are going to share a program called Catch Kids Club where you are going to play games, learn songs, and do many other activities together so you can learn how to stay strong and healthy! By the […]

Go, Slow, Woah: Grades 5-8


Go, Slow, Woah: Grades 5-8 https://youtu.be/dAHyUzDIxms In today’s video, follow along with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda, to learn about Go Foods, Slow Foods, and Whoa Foods and how to use them in a meal! Read More Think about a stoplight. The green light means go, the yellow light means slow down, and the red light […]

Energy Balance: Grades 3-5


Energy Balance, Grades 3-5 https://youtu.be/uTMvhI9NKyU Follow along with SNAP-Ed Senior Nutritionist, Wanda, as she teaches you about “Energy Balance!” By the end of this lesson you should be able to explain how “energy balance” relates to the food you eat and the activities you do! Follow along with Wanda and practice doing the right number […]

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