Moving more can improve your strength and balance. It can also help prevent and fight chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Aim for 30 minutes of movement 5 days a week. Check out this video for some exercises you can do sitting or standing to get started today.
This video will walk you through four 2-minute exercises you can follow along with either sitting or standing. You can use this video as a warm-up or cool-down to the “Eat Smart, Live Strong” workshop or you can do it as a stand-alone activity.
Remember, it’s important to be active for at least 30 minutes for 5 days of the week. By the end of this video, you will have a set of exercises that you can do as often as you like in order to get you a little bit closer to that goal.
Adding a little bit of exercise to your day can be fun and easy! Follow along with this video to see how.
In this video, you will practice…
• Walking in place
• Leg curls
• Upper-body twists
• Bicep curls
Walking in Place
This exercise helps you to get your heartbeat up as you try to swing your arms and lift your knees high.
Leg Curls
This exercise helps to strengthen your hamstrings and core muscles.
Upper Body Twists
This exercise will help you practice rotating your spine.
Bicep Curls
This exercise will help you strengthen your arms to help you lift and carry heavy objects.
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