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Reach Your Nutrition Goals

Reach Your Nutrition Goals Download PDF Reaching nutrition goals is not something that can happen overnight—it takes a lot of hard work to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but once you get the hang of it, it’s simple! Starting with the smaller changes helps you to ease your way into the process. Being active, and getting […]

Redo Your Coffee Shop Stop

Redo Your Coffee Shop Stop Download PDF Many specialty coffee drinks from coffee shops contain much higher sugar content than you would think. The CDC recommends about 12 teaspoons of sugar per day for Americans 2 years and older. Many drinks from Coffee shops contain double this amount – and that’s only for 1 beverage! […]

Strawberry Nutrition Facts

Strawberry Fact Card Download PDF Strawberries are a delicious spring and summer fruit. They are low in calories, which makes them perfect for snacking and a great way to fulfill your daily fruit goal! You can eat them whole, sliced, halved, pureed–you name it! Strawberries are great plain, as a sweet topping, or even as […]

Folic Acid

Folic Acid Download pdf Folic acid is a form of folate (a B vitamin) that is found naturally in foods such as leafy green vegetables, oranges, and beans. You can also get folate from vitamins and fortified foods, like breads, pastas, and cereals. Everyone needs folic acid to be healthy, but it’s especially important for […]

Grill Safely

How to Grill Safely Download pdf Ready to crack out the grill for a Saturday evening barbecue? Before you get started, make sure to take some safety precautions to keep yourself and others healthy. Avoid cross-contamination by keeping raw meat, poultry, and seafood away from other foods while shopping and preparing. Keep your meats refrigerated […]

Knife Skills

Knife Safety Download pdf Knives are an important and versatile tool in the kitchen. You probably know how to chop or shred, but do you know what it means to concasser or batonnet? In addition to knowing how to use a knife, it’s important to care for your knives properly. Knives should be properly cleaned, […]

Pumpkin 5 Ways

Pumpkin 5 Ways Download pdf Pumpkins aren’t just for Halloween! These versatile vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin A and dietary fiber. To demonstrate different ways you can incorporate this seasonal superstar, MyPlate is showcasing five easy recipes with pumpkin as the main ingredient. MyPlate encourages you to make half your plate fruits and […]

Chop Chop Kids Club Newsletter


Chop Chop Kids Club Newsletter Download pdf Today is a great day to master some cooking skills! Being able to cook a meal for yourself is a great skill to have, and being able to use ingredients you already have makes it even better! In the newsletter, there’s a delicious recipe for black bean soup. […]

Dairy: 10 Tips

Dairy: 10 Tips Download pdf The Dairy Group includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soymilk. These provide calcium, vitamin D, potassium, protein, and other nutrients needed for good health throughout life. Choices should be low-fat or fat-free—to cut calories and saturated fat. Older children, teens, and adults need 3 cups a day, while children 4 […]

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Dietary Guidelines for Americans Download pdf For most individuals, no matter their age or health status, achieving a healthy dietary pattern will require changes in food and beverage choices. Some of these changes can be accomplished by making simple substitutions, while others will require greater effort to accomplish. This edition of the Dietary Guidelines presents […]

Kitchen Activities for Young Children

Kitchen Activities for Kids Download pdf Introduction Get your preschooler to try new foods by having them help you in the kitchen. Kids feel good about doing something “grown-up.” Give them small jobs to do. Praise their efforts. Children are less likely to reject foods that they help to make. For 2-5 year olds As […]

Yoga for Kids

Yoga for Kids Download Tip Sheet Healthy Living: Yoga for Kids Introduction Yoga for children is increasing in popularity. Many different types of yoga exist, but all types of yoga combine breathing, controlled postures and mental focus to improve fitness and decrease stress. Specific yoga exercises are referred to as poses. Poses are commonly grouped […]

All about fiber

All about Fiber_SNAP--750x450

All About Fiber https://youtu.be/iI_ECJ2mKhU Follow along with SNAP-Ed Nutritionist, Wanda, as she explores fiber and no fiber foods in a companion video to “Amazing Fiber.” There’s a high fiber game along the way to help you remember what foods have a lot of fiber. Generally, we divide food into 5 groups, but it’s also important […]

Amazing Fiber


Amazing Fiber https://youtu.be/KJsCueulvT4 Generally, we divide food into 5 groups, but it’s also important to identify food based on whether or not it has fiber. What is fiber? All fiber comes from plants. Whole fruits and whole grains are high in fiber, while processed foods (which tend to be less colorful) are lower in fiber. […]

Bell Peppers: Tips and Tricks


Bell Peppers: Tips and Tricks https://youtu.be/S0SkDT2yf8c It’s important to make half of your plate fruits and vegetables. One great option is bell peppers!  Bell peppers are a warm season vegetable that grows during the summer and early fall. They come in several different colors. Did you know that red, yellow, and orange bell peppers all […]

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