Tips for Better Sleep 

Tips for Better Sleep Download PDF Good sleep habits (sometimes referred to as “sleep hygiene”) can help you get a good night’s sleep. Here are some habits that can improve your sleep health. Read More Be consistent. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, […]

Exercise Swap

Exercise Swap Download PDF You don’t need a gym membership to get a great workout. Here are some ideas for common household items that can be swapped into any workout! Instead of traditional workout equipment, try these alternatives. Read More Weights/kettlebells. Create your own weights using water bottles, canned goods, milk jugs, laundry detergent jugs, […]

Ways to Sneak Movement into Your Day

Sneak Movement into Your Day Download PDF We know time is tight and it can be hard to fit in exercise. Check out some quick and easy ways to sneak more movement into your day in ways that will work for you. Adults should get 150 minutes of exercise each week which is a little […]

Power Up Your Kids’ Play

Power Up Your Kids’ Play Download PDF Any activity that gets kids’ hearts beating faster and makes them breathe harder counts as power play. It can be as simple as dancing in the living room or jumping rope at the park. The key is to have fun! Read More Lead by example. Stay active yourself […]

Reduce Screen Time

Reduce Screen Time Tip Sheet Download PDF Although you might not be able to change how much time you spend on the computer for work or school, you can spend less time on screens during other times of the day. Try these ideas to reduce screen time and get moving. Read More Track how much […]

Activate Your Lifestyle

Activate your Lifestyle

Activate Your Lifestyle Download PDF Being more physically active is one of the best things you can do for your health. It does not have to be hard or involve the gym. Check out these five easy tips to be more active during the day: Get social Move more at work Do something new Keep […]

Be An Active Family

Be An Active Family

Be An Active Family Download PDF 10 tips for becoming more active as a family Being active as a family can benefit everyone. Adults need two and a half hours of physical activity each week. Kids need 60 minutes a day. Here are some tips to add more activity to your day. Read More Set […]

Be Active Adults

Be Active Adults

Be Active Adults Download PDF Being physically active is important for your health. Adults who are physically active are less likely to develop some chronic diseases than adults who are inactive. Physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy. People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can […]

Power Up In 10

Strength Training for Families

Strength Training for Families Download PDF Be a Champion for Change! Power Up in 10 (Strength Training for Families) is a step by step guide to start strength training! Build up your muscular strength and endurance, and have fun as well! Champions for Change are people, just like you, who use their power to help […]

Simple and Fun Family Games

simple and fun family games

Simple and Fun Family Games Download PDF Check out these steps for 4 different games that will keep you moving together using only household items! Please modify any activity so that it is comfortable and safe for you. Learn how to move more with our helpful videos! Play Play Play Play Previous Next Learn how […]

20 Fun Family Physical Activities

20 family physical activities

20 Free and Fun Family Physical Activities Download English PDF Download Spanish PDF You’ve made the decision that you want to be more active. Whether you are already active or just starting out, that’s great! Often, with a new goal, it can be hard to know where and how to start. Adding activity to your […]

Healthy Eating for a Active Lifestyle

Healthy Eating for an Active Lifestyle Download English PDF Download Spanish PDF For youth and adults engaging in physical activity and sports, healthy eating is essential for optimizing performance. Combining good nutrition with physical activity can lead to a healthier lifestyle. With that in mind, here are 10 tips for combining good nutrition and physical […]

An Active Lifestyle


An Active Lifestyle Download PDF Being more physically active is one of the best things you can do for your health. Here are some tips to do that! Read more Get social Get active with your friends instead of going out to eat. Go for a hike, walk around the mall, or play an exercisethemed […]

10 Tips For Men’s Health


10 Tips for Men’s Health Take charge of your eating habits by choosing the types and amounts of foods you need. Make your food choices and physical activity a priority. Whether it is learning more about what is in your food, drinking more water, or eating more whole grains, take an active role in your […]

Move Your Way

move your way tip cover

Move Your Way Tip Sheet Download PDF What’s your move? You probably know that you need to stay physically active to stay healthy, but it can help you in other ways. Exercise can: Boost your mood Sharpen your focus Reduce your stress Improve your sleep Find out how much activity you need to feel your […]

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